Tag Archives: Justice

Archive Journal Entry: 20030331

Today I did some work from home and caught up on my timesheets and invoices. Not a very interesting day in some ways. But…

I did go out this afternoon with Justice and Haifa. Haifa slept the whole three and a half hours we were out, but Justice and I had a lot of fun. The outting actually started very nicely: Justice and Haifa were arguing in the car about where they wanted to go. Justice wanted to go to the toy store (Mastermind), and Haifa wanted to go to the mall. I told them that we should consult about it. So we each said a prayer: Justice and Haifa said “O God! Guide me…” (actually, that link goes to an updated translation – Justice and Haifa say the older version). Then we each said what we wanted to do. I said I wanted to have fun. Then we decided that we could all do what we wanted by going to the toy store first and then to the mall. Then Haifa fell asleep… We hung out at Mastermind for a while, then we went to a park. Justice and I played on the jungle gym which include an underground tube for speaking through. We ran back and forth once between some football/soccer goal posts. After a while, we went to the mall. At the mall, I got a hot almond milk bubble tea, then we went to ToysRUs. Justice played an XBox game there which has a little cat and has something to do with time sweeping. One other interesting thing was that Justice really wanted me to buy him something. I told him about detachment: being happy even if you don’t get what you want. He didn’t want to do that so he cried a little when we left the mall with no new toys.

Archive Journal Entry: 20030306

Gack. Long time no write. Here’s a few quick notes:

Went to Sudbury for a night to visit with Mom, Rob and Cal. Helped them get a phone jack working so they could get internet. Lots of gifts exchanged. Justice got really sick with a cold. Drove back with Alexei. Melanie and I talked about her starting an education business related to homeschooling.

Here’s some misc links: persisting objects, synthetic sapphire, and systems programming in c.

This week I have worked really hard. It is 5:30 am and I just finished at the office! I have a demo tomorrow afternoon and a plane to catch in the evening so I’ve still got lots to do before the “day” is done.

Archive Journal Entry: 20030203

I had a great weekend. Christian and I went on Saturday to get a bunch of stuff out of our storage unit in Elmvale. On the way there and back, Chris and I worked on developing an NSpace class in Java. It will allow for data to be organized along an arbitrary (and dynamic) number of dimensions. It will be a sparse data structure so that not all locations in the space must have data. We’ll probably put it up on SourceForge in a week or two. I’ll let you, dear reader, know when that happens 🙂

As for the stuff in storage, we listened to the XXX (US$) (CA$) soundtrack while we were loading the van. Christian acknowledged my superlative skill at packing (due to my extensive experience with moving) :-/ Lots of good exercise lifting those heavy boxes! We also stopped for lunch and did some development work during our meal.

Sunday was packed with Baha’i activities. In the morning we went to Baha’i children’s classes. I watched Haifa in her preschool “class” while Melanie and Justice went to the senior kindergarten class. We met a few people too. We went home then. Melanie’s mom and grandmother stopped by for tea. Melanie was a bit upset about the condition of the house, what with a bunch of boxes and pieces of furniture all over the place from our storage run. We tidied up a bit and things were presentable. Then in the afternoon we went to the Markham Unit Convention. It was very well run, but not as nice as the unit convention in the SF Bay area last October. I asked a question about the process of reflection on the Ruhi training materials and the methods of facilitation to emphasize the need for putting the training into action. I also privately talked with the delegate about the fact that the world is awash in the excesses of materialism, and that future unit conventions might be better should they include the arts to a substantial degree.

After the unit convention we went on a bit of a drive and looked at some mansions
that are near where we live. The rest of the evening was mostly me getting ready
for being back in Jersey City.