Tag Archives: No Agenda

Sabbatical Day 1

Typical busy Saturday with just a bit of weekend in it.

Yesterday I turned off most of the Slack channels with my team so that I won’t be bothered there, and I put an auto-responder on my business email saying I won’t be back for a year!!!

Today I did a bunch of errands, but I also got time at the pool.  I did a little swimming and spent a bit of time in the sun – it was a hot day here in London.  I only spent a tiny bit of time on my math prep, but that’s okay.  I went to see my professors about 10 days ago to get a sense of how I need to prepare for my classes, and basically, I don’t.  I’m still doing a bit of prep, and I bought the textbook for one of my classes (“How to Prove It” by Velleman), but basically, I’m looking forward to starting on Thursday.  Also today, I helped my daughter Verity clean her bird’s cage (gross), took care of my other daughter’s dog (a standard poodle puppy) for a little while, did some laundry, cooked dinner, and best of all, I ate Fruit Loops for breakfast 🙂  I also listened to the No Agenda podcast which is pretty much my favourite source of analysis of current events.

I also created a list of things I want to do during my sabbatical:

  1. Family Time
    1. Spend time with each of Melanie, Justice, Haifa, Verity and Ocean on a scheduled basis, one person per day of the week
    2. Start holding devotionals or firesides
    3. Help Haifa and Justice get their driver’s licenses
    4. Help Melanie with her household backlog
    5. Work on our family tree
  2. Personal Stuff
    1. Complete 6 courses in Mathematics at University of Western Ontario: 2 in the fall, 4 in the winter terms
    2. Lego projects including an architectural project, a Harry Potter project and updates to my workroom
    3. Coin sorting (mostly pennies) for my coin collection
    4. Study French – I would like to be able to teach in French by the fall of 2019
    5. Complete reading “Elliptic Tales”

I won’t get everything in that list done, but it would be nice to make progress on everything!

All-in-all, a quiet start to my sabbatical.