Tag Archives: sugar

Food and Weight Day 19 – 104.2kg

The past few days have been busy, stressful and low-sleep day’s so I’m surprised that I haven’t gained a bunch of weight. Yesterday I did manage some cycling despite skipping class. And last night I had a nice long sleep which helps with stress levels. I’ve got a busy weekend so hopefully I can keep up with a semblance of good eating. I’ve been increasing my meat, dairy and vegetable consumption and reducing (slightly) my sugar and starch consumption.

Food and Weight Day 1 – 104.7kg

Yesterday I ate pretty well: one small cheat, but otherwise all good for low sugar and processed white stuff. I had a 1cm wise sliver of pumpkin pie at Bahai Feast last night. I cycled to and from school despite cold rain.

Day 2 will be challenging due to travelling on the train to work in Toronto. I like their olive bread but will have to decline it.