Well, I’ve had a few hours to work on the book this weekend, but it’s still not ready for final review. I probably have between 2 and 5 thousand words left to write before it’s properly done which means it’s going to end up being somewhere between 25000 and 30000 words. Longer than I anticipated – I guess that means I have lots to say? I’m a bit frustrated because I really hoped to have it out of the way before my sabbatical started (3 days ago), then I hoped it would be done by the end of the long weekend. Now… I’m going to give myself just two more days to finish the writing. That takes me up to the first day of my classes on Thursday. Here’s hoping!
Today was a nice day. Verity and I cycled to her school as practice. I hung back about ½ a block so that she would have to lead the way completely. She had no problems and is now confident about cycling to the school. It’s a bit far: about 3.5km and at her normal pace about 20 minutes to get there. I’m sure she will speed up as she gets more familiar with the route and her own capabilities. Tomorrow we will go again as it is her first day and I promised that I would ride with her. We have to leave pretty early. School starts at 8:30, I want her to be there by 8:15, and I want to leave a bit of a buffer even so. We will leave the house at 7:50.
Justice and I went to the Western campus to pick up our student cards. It was super well-organized and quick. We were in a long line, but it only took about 5 minutes to get to the front and just a few seconds for the staff to retrieve our student cards and give them to us. I’m now the proud holder of a Wester student card which gives me access to a bunch of university services and facilities. I’m hoping they have a swimming pool that I can use during the colder months when our home pool is closed. Anyway, Justice and I also had a bit of a laugh at some campus graffiti about “speciesism” with a drawing of a cow.
One of my main administrative wrap-up tasks is complete: I finished submitting all my receipts for my work expenses. On sabbatical, I hope I don’t have many and so it will be pretty easy from here on out. It’s also our business’ year-end so it feels good to have them done in a timely manner. It took a couple hours this afternoon to finish.